January 13, 2022ACC Roofing & SidingWhy use dimensional shingles versus 3 tab shingles.Replacing your roof can seem like a complicated, confusing process for homeowners. You have many…RoofingRead Article
December 30, 2021ACC Roofing & SidingThe importance of cleaning your gutters to avoid standing water.Have you ever seen what happens if you don’t clean your gutters? Those living in…RoofingRead Article
December 22, 2021ACC Roofing & SidingWhy should you use a certified roofer?Like the rest of the home improvement industry, countless third-party, independent, and unlicensed roofers are…RoofingRead Article
December 06, 2021ACC Roofing & SidingHow do you know when your roof needs to be replaced?Sometimes it’s obvious, but sometimes roofing companies get calls from people who don’t know what…RoofingRead Article